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112 bytes added, 14:28, 20 February 2010
Talks attended
= Talks attended =
''(the -1/0/+1 rating before the title is my subjective rating of the talk)'' * (+1) Deployment, development, packaging, and a little bit of the cloud by Ian Bicking
** Deployment is hard!
** Good work coming up in the packaging arena: distribute/pip will be replacing easy_install/setuptools. Mostly backwards-compatible, but a little bit more sane. Installing egg files as zips is bad.
* (+1) Python 3: The Next Generation by Mr. Wesley J. Chun
** Good review of changes in python 3
** Didn't address if developers should be shipping two modules, one for python 2, one for python 3, or try and ship one module that does both.
* (0) Sprox: data driven web development by Jorge L Vargas
** Easy HTML form generation from your database schema
** Was hoping to see more data visualization tools
* (+1) Maximize your program's laziness by Dr. David Q Mertz
** Caught the tail end of this talk, but what I saw was really cool. Basically tips and tricks to avoid doing too much work. Procrastination FTW!
* (+1) The Ring of Python by Holger Krekel
** Another very cool presentation about the world of python interpreters. Holger covered CPython w/ various extensions (psyco, cython), PyPy, Unladen Swallow, Jython, Iron Python, Stackless. Lots of cool information about PyPy and Stackless in particular.
** Demoed his execnet module a little bit. Basically a really simple way to communication with different python processes on the same machine, or different machines. Supports a bunch of different python versions, as well as different interpreter implementations.
* (-1) Powerful Pythonic Patterns by Alex Martelli
** I wanted more talk of actual patterns rather than a presentation of what patterns are, and why they're important
* (0) How Are Large Applications Embedding Python? by Peter Shinners
** Not a lot of new information, but cool to see my previous company's work shown in a very good light! Houdini uses Python quite extensively, and has come up with some novel ways to integrate various versions into the product.

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