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SeaMonkey:Release Process:2.0.4

768 bytes added, 18:20, 23 March 2010
Copy ZIPs, Copy Language Packs, Create Checksums
~/bin/backupsnip 20100318-SeaMonkey-2.0.4-beta
~/bin/pushsnip 20100318-SeaMonkey-2.0.4-beta
=== Copy ZIPs ===
Used <code></code> as documented in [[SeaMonkey:Release_Process:2.0.3|2.0.3]] notes to provide ZIPs along with the installers for Windows and additionally copy the 64bit file over to contrib.
=== Copy Language Packs ===
Used <code></code> as documented in [[SeaMonkey:Release_Process:2.0b1|2.0b1]] notes to move the langpacks into the directory we want them in for release.
=== Create Checksums ===
With <code></code> as documented in [[SeaMonkey:Release_Process:2.0.3|2.0.3]] notes, created MD5SUMS and SHA1SUMS files containing all files we release - copying the README from last time and replacing the versions as needed, as well as doing the same for Linux x86_64 has been added to the script now.
== Wall Clock Time ==
Accountapprovers, antispam, canmove, confirm, emeritus

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