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Software Update:MAR

70 bytes added, 00:22, 3 June 2005
Mozilla ARchive
The source code can currently be found under mozilla/modules/libmar on the SOFTWARE_UPDATE_20050428_BRANCH branch in the Mozilla CVS repository.
See [ bug 296303]
== Why not use ZIP or some other standard file format? ==
This question was given a fair amount of consideration. Ultimately, we decided to go with a custom file format because using libjar would have required a fair bit of hacking. Writing custom code was a simpler option, and it resulted in less code (mar_read.c is less than 300 lines of code). Moreover, the update system does not need a standard file format. The elements stored in the archive are bzip2 compressed binary diffs, generated using a variation of bsdiff. So, being able to unpack the archive file using standard tools wouldn't be very useful in and of itself.

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