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779 bytes added, 00:38, 30 March 2010
Plugins and Rendering
NPDeviceContext* context,
int32 state,
int32 intptr_t *value);
typedef NPError (*NPDeviceSetStateContextPtr)(NPP instance,
NPDeviceContext* context,
int32 state,
int32 intptr_t value);
If no callback is specified, the flush becomes a blocking call.
To facilitate low latency devices, flushContext() can be invoked from non-NPAPI threads(threads other than Tp).
== Destroying a Device Context ==
void* reserved;
/* If true, then a flush will only complete once the get offset has advanced
* on the GPU thread. If false, then the get offset might have changed but
* the GPU thread will respond as quickly as possible without guaranteeing
* having made any progress in executing pending commands. Set to true
* to ensure that progress is made or when flushing in a loop waiting for the
* GPU to reach a certain state, for example in advancing beyond a particular
* token. Set to false when flushing to query the current state, for example
* whether an error has occurred.
bool waitForProgress;
/* Buffer in which commands are stored. */
void* commandBuffer;
int32 commandBufferEntriescommandBufferSize;
/* Offset in command buffer reader has reached. Synchronized on flush. */
/* Offset in command buffer writer has reached. Synchronized on flush. */
int32 putOffset;
/* Last processed token. Synchronized on flush. */
int32 token;
/* Error status. Synchronized on flush. */
NPDeviceContext3DError error;
} NPDeviceContext3D;</pre>

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