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108 bytes added, 00:49, 30 March 2010
Plugin Registration
= Plugin Registration Startup and Service Discovery =
The current process of determining which plugins are available to the browser typically starting a plugin involves loading some differences on various shared libraries and querying them for types and extensions addressed by the pluginplatforms. We propose that more efficient method would be to add a special section to the shared library for In Pepper, the plugin.must export
The section<pre>NPError API_CALL NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* pNFuncs, tentatively named .npapidesc, contains a sequence of strings of the form: NPPluginFuncs* pPFuncs);</pre> and
mimetype:[extension][,extension]*:descriptionNPError NP_Shutdown(void);
This enables browsers There is no requirement for NP_GetEntryPoints. Browsers currently determine which plugins provide support for which mime types by various mechanisms. A common trait of these mechanisms is the idea that the browser must load each plugin in succession to invoke an API to scan determine the types it provides. A single method not involving loading all the plugins without loading themis desired, which becomes more difficult with out-of-process plugins and sandbox protectionbut remains to be done.
= Pepper Audio =

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