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14 bytes added, 16:03, 28 April 2010
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See the [ Firefox Mobile web site] to download Fennec and get more information.
== About the Fennec Project ==
"Fennec" is the code name of the effort to build a mobile version of Firefox. Fennec is half of the Mozilla mobile effort to enable mobile phones with Mozilla software - for the other half, see [[Embedding]].
Here are some key project pages:
* [[Mobile/FennecVision | Fennec vision statement]]* [ Fennec version 1 requirements]* [[Mobile/User Experience | Fennec user experience]]
Still have questions? See our [[Mobile/FAQ|FAQ]] for Mobile. If you're interested in what we'll be working on over the next 6 months or so, please see the [[Mobile/RoadmapPlanning|Roadmapproject planning pages]].
=== Goals ===
The overall goals for Mobile Firefox are: * provide Mozilla’s standards-based open-source browser engine, optimized for mobile, that can be embedded by device manufacturers and others;* a full-featured mobile browser including support for XUL-based add-ons, delivering on Firefox’s key principles of ease-of-use, security and accessibility;* grow the Mozilla community in the mobile space;* provide tools and documentation to help developers develop, debug and deploy web applications;* do all of this work in the shared Mozilla source repositories so all platforms, desktop and mobile, benefit each other
For more background on our goals please see [[Mobile/Background|these blog posts]].
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