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3,132 bytes added, 22:58, 25 May 2010
Created page with 'The open web is participatory, transparent, decentralized and generative. The open web is: Fueled by participation, in ideas, energy or media from more than a billion Internet…'
The open web is participatory, transparent, decentralized and generative.

The open web is:

Fueled by participation, in ideas, energy or media from more than a billion Internet users.

in the open web--anyone can request and receive access to information
you can look inside things to see how they work (i mean open-source but am looking for a non-tech buzzword way to say it)
web example: user generated content: millions of users around the world add to shared knowledge (by contributing to wikipedia)
non-web example: a town hall meeting where anyone can raise their hand and join the conversation

Built on transparent technologies that anyone can study, use or improve.

anyone can create content, code or devices
web example
non-web example: a recipe book anyone can cook from and innovate with

Decentralized in both architecture and control, ensuring continued choice and diversity.

Shared control
isn’t top down in control
user choice for which programs to run
the consumers are also producers
anyone can innovate on the web, without having to ask for permission
web example: you choose which operating system to use and programs to install
non-web example:

The generative nature of web means we can all take existing parts of the Internet into something that is our own.

freely create, innovate and express ideas online without asking permission from others.
web example: you can remix content together--photos, videos, music can be mashed up to create new content
non-web example: a box of legos that can be re-shaped into new things at any point
: yeah, the PC versus the mainframe
unix/microsoft vs apple
his thing about information appliances..

The open web is a powerful tool for change.
·         It’s the /most/ powerful communication tool in the history of humanity
·         The nervous system of trade, education, governance, activism, and play.
·         Lets a single idea achieve global impact
The Internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.

The open web is threatened.

walled gardens
lack of privacy

A closed internet slows down innovation and commerce, and stifles collaboration

We need to protect, improve and grow the open web.

Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the Internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
protecting the web means making sure there are open options in user choice
The effectiveness of the Internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.
Free and open source software promotes the development of the Internet as a public resource.
Individuals' security on the Internet is fundamental and cannot be treated as optional.
growing the open web means creating applications of openness
Commercial involvement in the development of the Internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial goals and public benefit is critical.
Improved through continued innovation and advancement.
to benefit as many as possible

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