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Audio Data API

9,678 bytes added, 02:51, 26 May 2010
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* Al MacDonald ([ @F1LT3R])
* Yury Delendik
* Ricard Marxer ([ @ricardmp])
===== Other Contributors =====
* Ted Mielczarek
* Felipe Gomes
* Ricard Marxer ([ @ricardmp])
===== Status =====
'''This is a work in progress.''' This document reflects the current thinking of its authors, and is not an official specification. The original goal of this specification is was to experiment with web audio data on the way to creating a more stable recommendation. It is The authors hoped that this work, and the ideas it generatesgenerated, will would eventually find its their way into Mozilla and other HTML5 compatible browsers. Both of these goals are within reach now, with work ramping up in [ this Mozilla bug], and the announcement of an official [ W3C Audio Incubator Group] chaired by one of the authors. The continuing work on this specification and API can be tracked here, and in [ the bug]. Comments, feedback, and collaboration are all welcome. You can reach the authors on irc in the [irc:// #audio channel] on ===== Version =====
The continuing work on This is the second major version of this specification and API can be tracked (referred to by the developers as audio13)--the previous version is available here. The primary improvements and changes are: * Removal of '''mozSpectrum''' (i.e., and native FFT calculation) -- will be done in Mozilla [https://bugzillaJS now.* Added WebGL Arrays (, fast, typed, native float arrays) for the event framebuffer as well as '''mozWriteAudio()'''.* Native array interfaces instead of using accessors and IDL array arguments.cgi?id=490705 bug 490705]* No zero padding of audio data occurs anymore. CommentsAll frames are exactly 4096 elements in length.* Added '''mozCurrentSampleOffset()'''* Removed undocumented position/buffer methods on audio element.* Added '''mozChannels''', feedback'''mozRate''', and collaboration '''mozFrameBufferLength''' to '''loadedmetadata' event. Demos written for the previous version are all welcome'''not''' compatible, though can be made to be quite easily. See details below.
== API Tutorial ==
We have developed a proof of concept, experimental build of Firefox (see [[#Obtaining_Code_and_Builds|builds provided below]]) which extends the HTMLMediaElement (e.g., affecting <video> and <audio>) and implements the following basic API for reading and writing raw audio data:
===== Reading Audio =====
Audio data is made available via an event-based API. As the audio is played, and therefore decoded, each frame is passed to content scripts for processing before after being written to the audio layer--hence the name, '''AudioWritten'''. Playing, and pausing, and stopping the audio all affect the streaming of this raw audio data as well.
<code>onaudiowritten="callback(event)Consumers of this raw audio data register two callbacks on the &lt;"</code>audio&gt; or &lt;video&gt; element like in order to consume this data:
<audio src="song.ogg" onloadedmetadata="audioInfo(event);" onaudiowritten="audioWritten(event);"></audio>
<code>mozFrameBuffer</code>The '''LoadedMetadata''' event is a standard part of HTML5, and has been extended to provide more detailed information about the audio stream. Specifically, developers can obtain the number of channels and sample rate per second of the audio. This event is fired once as the media resource is first loaded, and is useful for interpreting or writing the audio data. The '''AudioWritten''' event provides two pieces of data. The first is a framebuffer (i.e., an array) containing sample data for the current frame. The second is the time (e.g., milliseconds) for the start of this frame. The following is an example of how both events might be used:
var channels, rate, frameBufferLength, samples;
function audioWrittenaudioInfo(event) { samples channels = event.mozFrameBuffermozChannels; // sample data is obtained using samplesrate = event.item(n)mozRate; frameBufferLength = event.mozFrameBufferLength;
function audioWritten(event) { var samples ===== Getting FFT Spectrum ===== Most data visualizations or other uses of raw audio data begin by calculating a FFTevent. A pre-calculated FFT is available for each frame of audio decoded. <code>mozSpectrum</code> <pre>mozFrameBuffer; var spectrumtime = event.mozTime;
function audioWritten for (event) { spectrum var i=0, slen= eventsamples.mozSpectrumlength; i<slen;i++) { // spectrum Do something with the audio data as it is obtained using spectrumplayed.item processSample(nsamples[i], channels, rate); }
===== Complete Example: Reading and Displaying FFT Visualizing Audio Spectrum =====
This example uses the native calculates and displays FFT spectrum data from <code>mozSpectrum</code> to display for the frequency spectrum in a canvasplaying audio:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript Spectrum Example</title>
<audio src="song.ogg"
style="width: 512px;">
<div><canvas id="fft" width="512" height="200"></canvas></div>
var spectrum; var canvas = document.getElementById('fft');, var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), fft function loadedMetadata(event) { var channels = event.mozChannels, rate = event.mozRate, frameBufferLength = event.mozFrameBufferLength; fft = new FFT(frameBufferLength / channels, rate), }
function audioWritten(event) {
spectrum var fb = event.mozSpectrummozFrameBuffer, signal = new Float32Array(fb.length / channels), magnitude; for (var specSize i = 0, fbl = spectrumfb.length/ 2; i < fbl; i++ ) { // Assuming interlaced stereo channels, magnitude // need to split and merge into a stero-mix mono signal signal[i] = (fb[2*i] + fb[2*i+1]) / 2; }  fft.forward(signal); 
// Clear the canvas before drawing spectrum
ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for ( var i = 0; i < specSizefft.spectrum.length; i++ ) { magnitude = spectrum.item(i) * 4000; // multiply spectrum by a zoom value magnitude = fft.spectrum[i] * 4000; 
// Draw rectangle bars for each frequency bin
ctx.fillRect(i * 4, canvas.height, 3, -magnitude);
// FFT from dsp.js, see below
var FFT = function(bufferSize, sampleRate) {
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.spectrum = new Float32Array(bufferSize/2);
this.real = new Float32Array(bufferSize);
this.imag = new Float32Array(bufferSize);
this.reverseTable = new Uint32Array(bufferSize);
this.sinTable = new Float32Array(bufferSize);
this.cosTable = new Float32Array(bufferSize);
var limit = 1,
bit = bufferSize >> 1;
while ( limit < bufferSize ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) {
this.reverseTable[i + limit] = this.reverseTable[i] + bit;
limit = limit << 1;
bit = bit >> 1;
for ( var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++ ) {
this.sinTable[i] = Math.sin(-Math.PI/i);
this.cosTable[i] = Math.cos(-Math.PI/i);
FFT.prototype.forward = function(buffer) {
var bufferSize = this.bufferSize,
cosTable = this.cosTable,
sinTable = this.sinTable,
reverseTable = this.reverseTable,
real = this.real,
imag = this.imag,
spectrum = this.spectrum;
if ( bufferSize !== buffer.length ) {
throw "Supplied buffer is not the same size as defined FFT. FFT Size: " +
bufferSize + " Buffer Size: " + buffer.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++ ) {
real[i] = buffer[reverseTable[i]];
imag[i] = 0;
var halfSize = 1,
while ( halfSize < bufferSize ) {
phaseShiftStepReal = cosTable[halfSize];
phaseShiftStepImag = sinTable[halfSize];
currentPhaseShiftReal = 1.0;
currentPhaseShiftImag = 0.0;
for ( var fftStep = 0; fftStep < halfSize; fftStep++ ) {
i = fftStep;
while ( i < bufferSize ) {
off = i + halfSize;
tr = (currentPhaseShiftReal * real[off]) - (currentPhaseShiftImag * imag[off]);
ti = (currentPhaseShiftReal * imag[off]) + (currentPhaseShiftImag * real[off]);
real[off] = real[i] - tr;
imag[off] = imag[i] - ti;
real[i] += tr;
imag[i] += ti;
i += halfSize << 1;
tmpReal = currentPhaseShiftReal;
currentPhaseShiftReal = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepReal) - (currentPhaseShiftImag * phaseShiftStepImag);
currentPhaseShiftImag = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepImag) + (currentPhaseShiftImag * phaseShiftStepReal);
halfSize = halfSize << 1;
i = bufferSize/2;
while(i--) {
spectrum[i] = 2 * Math.sqrt(real[i] * real[i] + imag[i] * imag[i]) / bufferSize;
===== Writing Audio =====
It is also possible to setup an audio element for raw writing from script (i.e., without a ''src '' attribute). Content scripts can specify the audio stream's characteristics, then write audio frames using the following methods.:
<code>mozSetup(channels, sampleRate, volume)</code>
// Create a new audio element
var audioOutput = new Audio();
// Set up audio element with 2 channel, 44.1KHz audio stream, volume set to full.
audioOutput.mozSetup(2, 44100, 1);
<code>mozWriteAudio(length, buffer)</code>
// Write samples using a JS Array
var samples = [0.242, 0.127, 0.0, -0.058, -0.242, ...];
var buffered = audioOutput.mozWriteAudio(samples); // Write samples using a Typed Arrayvar samples = new Float32Array([0.242, 0.127, 0.0, -0.058, -0.length242, ...]);audioOutput.mozWriteAudio(samples);
'''Note:''' To copy the input samples of one audio stream directly to another audio output, you will need to convert event.samples array to a native JavaScript array like so:<code>mozCurrentSampleOffset()</code>
// Get current position of the underlying audio stream, measured in samples written.var outputcurrentSampleOffset = audioOutput.mozCurrentSampleOffset();</pre>
function audioWrittenSince the '''AudioWritten''' event and the '''mozWriteAudio()''' method both use '''Float32Array''', it is possible to take the output of one audio stream and pass it directly (eventor process first and then pass){to a second:
samples <pre><audio id= "a1" src="song.ogg" onloadedmetadata="loadedMetadata(event);" onaudiowritten="audioWritten(event);" controls="controls"></audio><script>var a1 = document.mozFrameBuffer;getElementById('a1'), a2 = new Audio(),
function loadedMetadata(event) { outputSamples = [];// Mute a1 audio. for(var ia1.volume =0;i < samples // Setup a2 to be identical to a1, and play through there.length; i++){ outputSamples[i] = samples a2.itemmozSetup(ievent.mozChannels, event.mozRate, 1); }   // outputSamples[] is now ready for writing to other audio element
function audioWritten(event) {
// Write the current frame to a2
Audio data written using the '''mozWriteAudio()''' method needs to be written at a regular interval in equal portions, in order to keep a little ahead of the current sample offset (current sample offset of hardware can be obtained with '''mozCurrentSampleOffset()'''), where a little means something on the order of 500ms of samples. For example, if working with 2 channels at 44100 samples per second, and a writing interval chosen that is equal to 100ms, and a pre-buffer equal to 500ms, one would write an array of (2 * 44100 / 10) = 8820 samples, and a total of (currentSampleOffset + 2 * 44100 / 2).
===== Complete Example: Creating a Web Based Tone Generator =====
<input type="text" size="4" id="freq" value="440"><label for="hz">Hz</label>
<button onclick="generateWaveform()">set</button>
<button onclick="start()">play</button>
<button onclick="stop()">stop</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sampledata sampleRate = [];44100, var freq portionSize = 440;sampleRate / 10, var interval prebufferSize = -1;sampleRate / 2, var audio freq = undefined;// no sound
function writeData() { var n audio = Math.ceilnew Audio(freq / 100); for(var i=0;i<n;i++) audio.mozWriteAudiomozSetup(sampledata.length1, sampleRate, sampledata1); }var currentWritePosition = 0;
function startgetSoundData(t, size) { audio var soundData = new AudioFloat32Array(size); audioif (freq) { var k = 2* Math.mozSetupPI * freq / sampleRate; for (1, 44100, 1var i=0; i<size; i++);{ interval soundData[i] = setIntervalMath.sin(writeData, 10k * (i + t)); } } return soundData;
function stopwriteData() { if while(interval !audio.mozCurrentSampleOffset() + prebufferSize >= -1currentWritePosition) { clearIntervalvar soundData = getSoundData(currentWritePosition, portionSize); audio.mozWriteAudio(intervalsoundData); interval currentWritePosition += -1portionSize;
// initial write writeData(); var writeInterval = Math.floor(1000 * portionSize / sampleRate); setInterval(writeData, writeInterval);  function generateWaveformstart() {
freq = parseFloat(document.getElementById("freq").value);
// we're playing at 44.1kHz, so figure out how many samples
// will give us one full period
var samples = 44100 / freq;
sampledata = Array(Math.round(samples));
for (var i=0; i<sampledata.length; i++) {
sampledata[i] = Math.sin(2*Math.PI * (i / sampledata.length));
generateWaveformfunction stop(){ freq = undefined; }
== DOM Implementation ==
===== nsIDOMAudioData nsIDOMNotifyAudioMetadataEvent =====
Audio data (raw and spectrum) metadata is currently returned in a pseudo-array named provided via custom properties of the media element's ''nsIDOMAudioData'loadedmetadata''' event. In future this will be changed to use This event occurs once when the browser first aquires information about the much faster native WebGL Arraymedia resource. The event details are as follows: * '''Event''': LoadedMetadata* '''Event handler''': onloadedmetadata The '''LoadedMetadataEvent''' is defined as follows:
interface nsIDOMAudioData nsIDOMNotifyAudioMetadataEvent : nsISupportsnsIDOMEvent
readonly attribute unsigned long lengthmozChannels; float item(in readonly attribute unsigned long index)mozRate; readonly attribute unsigned long mozFrameBufferLength;
The '''lengthmozChannels''' attribute indicates contains a the number of elements channels in this audio resource (e.g., 2). The '''mozRate''' attribute contains the number of data returnedsamples per second that will be played, for example 44100 The '''item()mozFrameBufferLength''' attribute contains the number of samples that will be returned in each '''AudioWritten''' method provides event. This number is a getter total for audio sample data all channels (e.g., floats2 channels * 2048 samples = 4096 total).
===== nsIDOMNotifyAudioWrittenEvent =====
interface nsIDOMNotifyAudioWrittenEvent : nsIDOMEvent
// mozFrameBuffer is really a Float32Array, via dom_quickstubs readonly attribute nsIDOMAudioData nsIVariant mozFrameBuffer; readonly attribute nsIDOMAudioData mozSpectrumunsigned long mozTime;
The '''mozFrameBuffer''' attribute contains a typed array ('''Float32Array''') and the raw audio data (float values) obtained from decoding a single frame of audio. This is of the form <nowiki>[left, right, left, right, ...]</nowiki>. All audio frames are normalized to a length of '''4096 or greater, where shorter frames are padded '''. ''Note:'' this size may change in future versions of this API in order to more properly deal with 0 (zero)sample rate and channel variations.
The '''mozSpectrummozTime''' attribute contains a pre-calculated FFT for this frame of audio data. It is calculated using an unsigned integer representing the first 4096 float values time in milliseconds since the current audio frame only, which may include zeros used to pad the buffer. It is always 1024 elements in lengthstart.
===== nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement nsIDOMHTMLAudioElement additions =====
Audio write access is achieved by adding two new methods to the HTML media element:
void mozSetup(in long channels, in long rate, in float volume);
void mozWriteAudio(in long count, [array, size_is); // array is Array(count)] in float valueArrayor Float32Array() void mozCurrentSampleOffset();
The '''mozSetup()''' method allows an &lt;audio&gt; or &lt;video&gt; element to be setup for writing from script. This method '''must''' be called before '''mozWriteAudio''' can be called, since an audio stream has to be created for the media element. It takes three arguments:
# '''channels''' - the number of audio channels (e.g., 2)
# '''volume''' - the initial volume to use (e.g., 1.0)
The choices made for '''channel''' and '''rate''' are significant, because they determine the frame size you must use when passing data to '''mozWriteAudio()'''. That is, you must pass either pass an array with 0 elements--similar to flushing the audio stream--or enough data for each channel specified in '''mozSetup()'''.
The '''mozWriteAudiomozSetup()''' method can be , if called after '''mozSetupmore than once, will recreate a new audio stream (destroying an existing one if present)'''with each call. It allows a frame of audio (or multiple framesThus it is safe to call this more than once, but whole frames) to be written directly from scriptunnecessary. It takes two arguments:
# The '''countmozWriteAudio()''' - the number of elements in this frame (e.g., 4096)# method can be called after '''valueArraymozSetup()''' - an array of floats, which represent a complete frame of . It allows audio (or multiple frames, but whole frames)data to be written directly from script. It takes one argument:
Both # '''array''' - this is a JS Array (i.e., new Array()) or a typed float array (i.e., new Float32Array()) containing the audio data (floats) you wish to write. It must be 0 or N (where N % channels == 0) elements in length, otherwise a DOM error occurs.  The '''mozCurrentSampleOffset()''' method can be called after '''mozSetup()'''. It returns the current position (measured in samples) of the audio stream. This is useful when determining how much data to write with '''mozWriteAudio()''' . All of '''mozWriteAudio()''', '''mozCurrentSampleOffset()''', and '''mozSetup()''' will throw exceptions if called out of order, or if audio frame sizes do not match.
== Additional Resources ==
* [ Linux 32-bit - Build 11e]
* [ Linux 32-bit - Build 12] (Uses new WebGL Float Arrays. Examples need to be updated.)
A version of Firefox combining [ Multi-Touch screen input from Felipe Gomes] and audio data access from David Humphrey can be downloaded [ here].
A number of working demos have been created, including:
'''NOTE:''' ''If you try to run demos created with the original API using a build that implements the new API, you may encounter [ bug 560212]. We are aware of this, as is Mozilla, and it is being investigated.''
==== Demos Working on Current API ====
* FFT visualization (calculated with js)
* Beat Detection (also showing use of WebGL for 3D visualizations)
** (video [ here])
** (video of older version [ here])
** (video [ here])
* Writing Audio from JavaScript, Digital Signal Processing
** Csound shaker instrument ported to JavaScript via Processing.js
==== Demos Needing to be Updated to New API ====
** (video [ here])
* Beat Detection (also showing use of WebGL for 3D visualizations)
** (video [ here])
** (video [ here])
** JS Multi-Oscillator Synthesizer (video [ here])
** JS IIR Filter (video [ here])
** Csound shaker instrument ported to JavaScript via Processing.js
** API Example: [ Inverted Waveform Cancellation]
** API Example: [ Stereo Splitting and Panning]
** Biquad filter (demo by Ricard Marxer)
** Interactive Audio Application, Bloom (video [ here] and [ here])
=== Third Party Discussions ===
A number of people have written about our work, including:

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