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Browser Metrics:Data Collectors

1,576 bytes added, 04:35, 28 March 2006
add profile xml
The profile will be collected every browser session, to pick up changes periodically. The data included in the profile element is as follows:a grouping element which contains a set of profile values.
* MemoryElement name: <tt>profile</tt>* OS and OS Attributes: none The following elements are optional children of <tt>&lt;profile&gt;</tt>: Element name: <tt>memory</tt> Describes the memory configuration of the client system. Attributes: <tt>mb = [integer]</tt> Gives the number of megabytes of system memory.  Element name: <tt>os</tt> Describes the operating system the client is running. Attributes: <tt>name = [string]</tt> Gives the name of the operating system, e.g. "Windows" or "MacOSX". <tt>version= [string]</tt>* Firefox Gives the versionof the operating system, e.g. "XP" or "Tiger".  Element name: <tt>install</tt> * Talkback Describes the installation of Firefox the user is running. Attributes: <tt>buildid = [integer]</tt> Gives the Build ID(e.g. 20060327). <tt>installdate = [integer]</tt> Gives the date the build was first run on this profile (seconds since the epoch).  * Element name: <tt>extensions (maybe only those from addons</tt> A container element for 1 or more <tt>extension</tt> elements. Attributes: none  Element name: <tt>extension</tt> Contains information about a single extension installed in the profile. Attributes: <tt>extensionid = [string]</tt> Gives the extension's id.mozilla <tt>version = [string]</tt> Gives the extension's version*  Element name: <tt>plugins</tt> A container element for 1 or more <tt>plugin</tt> elements. Attributes:* screen resolution* default browser<tt>name = [string]</tt>* install dateGives the name of the plugin. <tt>version = [string]</tt> Gives the version of the plugin.  Element name: <tt>display</tt> Describes the user's display. Attributes: <tt>xsize = [integer]</tt> Gives the number of pixels horizontally on the display. <tt>ysize = [integer]</tt> Gives the number of pixels vertically on the display.  TBD: talkback GUID
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