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Browser Metrics:Data Collectors

14 bytes added, 15:13, 28 March 2006
Load Event
Load events record a document being loaded into a DOM Window.
; Element name: <tt>&lt;load&gt;</tt> : ''Attributes:'':; <tt>window = [integer window id]</tt> :: The id of the window where the document was loaded. :; <tt>origin = [string]</tt> (optional) :: The action which initiated the load. Possible values include:::* <tt>typed</tt>: The document URI was typed (or pasted) by the user.::* <tt>link</tt>: The user followed a link to the document URI.::* <tt>session-history</tt>: The user used back/forward navigation to load the document.::* <tt>reload</tt>: The user used the reload button or keyboard shortcut to reload the document.::* <tt>global-history</tt>: The user loaded the page by selecting it from their global history.::* <tt>bookmark</tt>: The user loaded the page by selecting it from the bookmarks menu, bookmarks toolbar, or bookmarks management UI.::* <tt>script</tt>: A script executing on a page loaded the document.::* <tt>refresh</tt>: A meta-refresh loaded the document.::* <tt>external</tt>: The document URI was passed in from an external application. :; <tt>loadtime = [millisecondsinteger]</tt> :: The time from the initiation of the load until the document is complete (which includes all images, stylesheet, etc) in milliseconds. :; <tt>bfCacheHit = [boolean]</tt> (optional) :: Whether the document presentation was loaded from the session history cache. If not specified, assumed to be false.
Todo / possible todo items:
* cache size before/after load* content viewer size estimate* cache hit* session history index* last visit date* tagged/bookmarked
===UI Event===

Navigation menu