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4 bytes removed, 23:17, 30 June 2010
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Toplevel browsing contexts can be in a "keys disabled" state. In this state,
the user agent must suppress all keyup, keydown and keypress events whose keyCode is not in one of the following ranges:
-- * DOM_VK_CANCEL to DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK, inclusive-- * DOM_VK_SPACE to DOM_VK_DELETE, inclusive-- * DOM_VK_SEMICOLON to DOM_VK_EQUALS, inclusive-- * DOM_VK_MULTIPLY to DOM_VK_META, inclusive
Such events are not dispatched to any nodes in any document of the toplevel browsing context or descendant browsing contexts. This includes suppression of any internal key event processing that would insert text into form controls or editable content. The user agent might respond to such events by leaving fullscreen mode.

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