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Audio Data API

93 bytes removed, 03:47, 21 August 2010
nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement additions
The '''mozFrameBufferLength''' attribute indicates the number of samples that will be returned in the framebuffer of each '''MozAudioAvailable''' event. This number is a total for all channels, and by default is set to be the number of channels * 1024 (e.g., 2 channels * 1024 samples = 2048 total).
The '''mozFrameBufferLength''' attribute can also be set to a new value, if users want lower latency, or larger amounts of data, etc. The size given '''must''' be a power of 2 number between 512 and 3276816384. The following are all valid lengths: * 512* 1024* 2048* 4096* 8192* 16384* 32768 Using any other size will result in an exception being thrown. The best time to set a new length is after the '''loadedmetadata''' event fires, when the audio info is known, but before the audio has started or '''MozAudioAvailable''' events begun firing.
===== nsIDOMHTMLAudioElement additions =====

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