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198 bytes added, 20:36, 7 September 2010
Updated with throttling instructions
* Ready for builds
** Email release-drivers when all code is in with formal "Go" - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** File a bug to make sure there is no crash report throttling - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
*** For 1.9.0, include timestamp and bonsai URI down to the last checkin. Specify timezone in email as well (PST vs PDT).
*** For 1.9.1, include a changeset
* Decision to release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
** If yes, let IT (infra) know 24-48 hours ahead of time based on [[Build:ReleasePolicy|release policy]] - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** File a bug to make sure we throttle crash reports - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Notify PR (melissa@m.c) of "we're shipping in x days/hours/minutes" estimate - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
Canmove, confirm

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