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Installing your classes into Sync
== Installing your classes into Sync ==
You can register your engine in an "weave:service:ready" observer using the <tt>Weave.Engines.register(FooEngine) </tt> function. Note that the parameter you passed should be the name of your engineHowever, such as Weave.Engines.register(FooEngine) and not new FooEngine(). Also note that "weave:service:ready" is issued after the "weave:engine:start-tracking" observer notification. If your tracker observes "weave:engine:start-tracking", it's best to have the Sync service register your engine. Stick your engine class on to the Weave object:
and add "Foo" to the <tt>services.sync.registerEngines </tt> preference (it's a comma separated list of engine names).
== Testing and Debugging your Engine ==
Canmove, confirm

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