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Legal/Infringement Notices

4,607 bytes added, 22:51, 18 October 2010
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As you can see in the correspondence below, I was adviced to file a formal complain.<br>I'll do my best to describe the situation shortly &amp; clearly as I'm respectful to your precious time.<br>I'm the Author of LavaFox &amp; BlackFox themes:<br>This theme (GMP) is using 80-90% of the images I designed from scratch &amp; the overall look is very similar to my theme BlackFox.<br><br>Just a part of the images that are copied: Tool-bars, scroll-bars, buttons, status-bar, progress-bar Menus &amp; more.<br>The author of this theme contacted me in the beginning and asked to use my themes, I made it clear that I allow him to use only the code but not ANY images that I designed.<br>The author doesn't seem to understand and claims that he changed many images, I made it clear that it's not enough and asked him to take the theme off AMO until he will replace ALL the images that I designed &amp; ask for my permission.<br>As you can see below, Mozilla's editor has tried to help &amp; gave up the informal attempts, so do I.<br>I hope that I included all the info necessary to identify the copyright infringement, the details I believe are additionally requested are below:
I believe in good faith that the use of the material that I claim infringes my copyright is not authorized by law, or by the copyright owner or such owner's agent; and all of the information contained in my DMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am the owner of the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.
Zvi Gutman<br>[street address removed]<br>Raanana 43000<br>Israel
[phone number removed]
Thanks for your concern.
Best regards,
Zvi Gutman.<br>
October 15, 2010
Harvey Anderson
Mozilla Corporation
650 Castro Street, Suite 300
Mountain View, CA 94041
Re: Downloader
Dear Mr. Anderson:
I am contacting you on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) and its member record companies. The RIAA is a trade association whose member companies create, manufacture, and distribute the majority of all legitimate sound recordings sold in the United States. RIAA members include Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and EMI Music North America, and their affiliated record labels. We are writing to notify you of the copyright infringement of sound recordings that is being facilitated by the Downloader software application which is being distributed through your system.
Application: Downloader
Developer: Sergey Kolosov
The purpose of this application is to facilitate the unauthorized downloading of popular sound recordings. The majority of these sound recordings are owned or controlled by RIAA members. Under the U.S. Copyright Act, those who distribute, reproduce, or digitally transmit sound recordings without authorization and those who assist, facilitate, or induce such actions by others are liable for copyright infringement. By indexing, linking to, transmitting, retransmitting, providing access to, and/or otherwise assisting users in streaming and downloading infringing copies of sound recordings, this application is violating U.S. copyright law.
By this letter, we ask that you immediately cease distribution of the Downloader software application on your system, and that you take steps to ensure that its developer is not permitted to infringe upon the copyrights of RIAA members by offering similar applications on your system in the future.
The copyright infringement of RIAA member sound recordings made possible by your distribution of this application is obvious to anyone making use of the application, and undoubtedly will be readily apparent to you upon review. While this letter constitutes notice of infringing activities under the U.S. Copyright Act, it does not in any way constitute a waiver of any right, remedy or action, including the right to recover damages for the infringements referenced in this letter. All such rights, remedies and actions are expressly reserved.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions. You may reach me via e-mail at, by telephone at (202) 775-0101, or by mail at RIAA, 1025 F Street, N.W., 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004.
Mark McDevitt
Vice President, Online Anti-Piracy
I'm writing you to inform you that these personas:<br><br><br>

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