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297 bytes added, 13:37, 16 November 2010
SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 2
* Please help updating the [[SeaMonkey:Features:2.1|New 2.1 Features]] page as we go.
* Plans for 2.1: 6-8 weeks per milestone, b2 (feature freeze) probably in early December; final to be decided later.** We'll probably close for the beta2 once SyncUI has landed.
* Unsure how this fits Firefox 4 plans as they are still trying to get to their feature freeze.
* Firefox 4 now officially being in early 2011, which gives us a bit more time.
** As Firefox is now going RC in January, it makes sense to do a short-cycle b3 and try to match it with FF4RC. We can then make make b3 the final feature and string freeze, to be followed by 2.1pre.
* Beta 1 on PPC is broken.
** We will probably seek get 64bit boxes going soon and then we'll switch trunk to EOL it by getting i386/x86_64 universal builds up somehowand stop generating PPC.
=== Feature List, Planning ===

Navigation menu