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118 bytes removed, 00:28, 24 December 2010
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= Contributors =
* Last modified: December 2023, 2010
* Authors: Julian Reschke (greenbytes), Dan Witte (Mozilla), Bernhard Bauer (Chromium), Rajesh Gwalani (Adobe), Josh Aas (Mozilla)
For any other type of error the plugin should return <code>NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR</code>.
If site data is in use by an instance of the plugin when <code>NPP_ClearSiteData</code> is called then it is up to the plugin to do the right thing.
= Open Issues =
* Make sure the requirements for parsing the origin argument are not too much of a burden for plugin developers.
* Do we need a method for discovering what site data the plugin has? Mozilla and Apple have expressed a strong desire for this.
* What is the syntax for an IPv6 address in site? As per RFC 3986 "IP-literal" ([])?
* What should be returned if a plugin does not support a requested type of data. What if it does not exist? What if clearing that data is not possible or simply not supported for any reason (data remains)?
* Make sure the requirements for parsing the origin argument are not too much of a burden for plugin developers.
* Suggested that we document what happens when a particular plug-in is keyed by domain, not origin. This way for simplicity purposes the API can handle both models, regardless of how it's keyed. The specific suggestion is that for a plug-in that stores domain-keyed info, that plug-in will just strip the protocol and (optional) port.
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