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Firefox:3.0 Tabbed Browsing

1 byte added, 21:04, 25 June 2006
Session Saving: spelling
=== Session Saving ===
Session saving is a feature that many users like, but that's often redundant, or even confusing to the user (the approach in rue's Session Saver or Opera) if incorporated by deafult default into Firefox. Instead, it can be placed in the now IMHO useless Go menu. Go > Last session would fill most people's requirements, and it can be coupled with a "Save session now" feature. Go > Save session. This, too, could be tightly integrated with the new Places by placing saved sessions in the places folders.
* It would be really nice if the browser picked out the keywords from the page content and used these to form a sensible default title for the session. - BenS
* Firefox could have the option of automatically saving the session when Firefox closes and restoring it when Firefox oepnsopens. Also, do not save blank tabs. -Harrison
** I wouldn't get rid of blank tabs unless the user turns that on in their preferences. Once we've got drag-n-drop tabs, I can easily see a user using blank tabs to separate groups of tabs. -[[User:FunnyMan3595|FunnyMan3595]]
* Part of what I think confuses a user is the terminology. Sure, "Save session" makes sense to a techie, but a new user isn't going to know what that means. Further, "Go" just doesn't seem like the right menu to put this under. A better menu would be bookmarks, since session saving is essentially a many-tailed bookmark. Maybe Bookmarks-Take snapshot, which creates a saved session, then you load it just like any other bookmark, by selecting it. When you open a snapshot, you get a Y/N/C dialog asking if you want to take a snapshot of the old state, with a "More information..." link. -[[User:FunnyMan3595|FunnyMan3595]]
**I like that idea, but maybe user should be prompted first time he restores a snapshot asking if user would like to save snapshot and replace currently open pages or if user would like to add the snapshot to the currently open pages. Have a remember this decision type of checkbox that sets a pref for this behavior. Also, still allow alternative behavior through a modifier key (ctrl-click on the snapshot to restore to add, alt-click to replace).
* When restoring a session, there should be a way to select the tabs that have to be opened : a list of the pages title with a checkbox (as does Maxthon).
*A possible additonaddition/alternative to this is for the user to have more than one home page. Each home page would open in it's own tab. It gets quite redundant to open up the same 4-5 web pages every time I get on the internet.

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