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5 bytes added, 15:14, 12 February 2011
Aligned with our efforts to strengthen, empower and expand Mozilla's contributor base, ReMo will aim to provide a simple, systematic and structured commmunity-driven framework to inform, assist and support Mozilla volunteers who want to become official representatives of Mozilla in their region. They will be known as Mozilla Reps.
A Mozilla Reps Rep's responsibilities will be tasked to: * Recruit new contributors (regionally & by contribution area)* Organize or participate represent Mozilla in their region and have a clear understanding of Mozilla community eventsin her/his local tech/social/cultural context* Organize promote the Mozilla product release partiesProject and our mission* Represent Mozilla at projectbuild on existing contributor-relevant conferences building efforts and speak on Mozilla’s behalfprograms* Manage local PR relations + blog inspire, recruit and support new contributors* Mentor/Train mentor future Mozilla Reps
=== Anti-Purpose ===

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