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165 bytes added, 15:27, 12 February 2011
Use Cases
An initial (and likely incomplete) list of possible use cases for this system:
* Answer the question "who is that?" in various systems.apply to become a Mozilla Rep (one application sent, each applicant will go through a simple but rigorous screening process)* Identify a community member by searching for their first name log on with your ReMo LDAP account and scanning through photos in the search results.start updating your profile* Compile a list add events to ReMo calendar and become owner of people these events* use ReMo ticketing system to invite to a Leadership Summit request swag or sponsorship for events* peruse ReMo file repository for slide decks, presentation templates, printable materials (all currently-active trusted contributors who are team/project leaders or aboveie. posters, flyers, stickers).* Find everyone working on a particular project.customise swag for your community * customise and order your ReMo business card* Find all our contributors who live within 50km of Ottawaregularly update your ReMo profile with recent activities (ie. events, presentations, Canadacontributions etc..* Generate a world map of all our contributors.)
=== User Tasks ===

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