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1,021 bytes added, 15:50, 12 February 2011
Implementation (PLEASE EDIT PIERROS)
* Edit static sections of the ReMo website
* Delete profile ''(at user request only)''
=== Infrastructure Requirements ===
* Accounting (owners: William/Pierros)
** highly unlikely to be able to use existing ldap
** using existing bugzilla or mediawiki accounts too complicated to integrate in future Mozilla Phonebook
*** best option is to create a *new* ldap account system which will first be implemented in a ReMo prototype platform
* Editable Contents (owner: William/Pierros)
* Ticketing System (owner: Pierros)
** Trac-based system to help operate and track swag, budget, sponsorship and reimbursement requests
* Calendar functions (owner: Pierros)
** 3 core functions: adding events, viewing events and federating events
*** adding: can be done with Mozilla wiki
*** viewing: can be done with Mozilla wiki
*** federating: can possibly be done with Mozilla Wiki
* Customization of Materials (owner: William)
** creation of materials that Mozilla Reps will personnalise, customize and produce locally
** business cards: adapt existing business card production system used internaly at Mozilla
=== Implementation (PLEASE EDIT PIERROS) ===

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