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29 bytes removed, 17:37, 12 February 2011
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ReMo is the code name for the Mozilla Representatatives Program, a program that aims to recruit and support volunteer Mozillians who want to be “official” Mozilla representatives in their region/locale.
=== Purpose ===
ReMo will provide a simple and structured framework to inform, assist and support Mozilla volunteers who want to become official representatives of Mozilla in their region. They will be known as Mozilla Reps.
* mentor future Mozilla Reps
=== Anti-Purpose ===
Here are some things ReMo specificly aims NOT to do :
* become a top-down ambassador program run exclusively by Mozilla staff
=== Characteristics of the ReMo program ===
* open to EVERYONE but rigorous membership process
* regular monitoring/assessment of activity
=== Who can be a Mozilla Rep? ===
Anyone who is passionate about Mozilla Project and who is very knowledgeable of the Mozilla organization, its mission and its products.
=== Use Cases and User Taks ===
A list of most common use cases and user tasks for ReMo:
* regularly update your ReMo profile with recent activities (ie. events, presentations, contributions etc...)
* mentor recent Mozilla Reps and monitor their progress
=== ReMo Website Walk-Through ===
=== Administrator Tasks ===
* Edit static sections of the ReMo website
* Delete profile ''(at user request only)''
== ReMo Website ==
=== Infrastructure Requirements ===
The detailed timeline and status of project components can be found at
=== Resources ===
* William Quiviger is project lead
** TBD
=== References ===
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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