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142 bytes added, 01:09, 13 February 2011
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== ReMo Website ==
In order to accommodate the needs of this program, infrastructure and outreach website is needed.  More info on [[ReMo/Website|Website planning page]]
=== Use Cases and User Tasks ===
A list of most common use cases and user tasks for ReMo:
* apply Apply to become a Mozilla Rep (once application sent, each applicant will go through a simple but rigorous screening process)* log on Log in with your ReMo LDAP account and start updating your profile* add See / Browser through various Events happening near him* Add events to ReMo calendar and become owner of these events* use Use ReMo ticketing system to request swag or sponsorship for events* peruse Peruse ReMo file repository for slide decks, presentation templates, printable materials (ie. posters, flyers, stickers)* customise Customize and order swag for your community * customise Customize and order your ReMo business card* regularly Regularly update your ReMo profile with recent activities (ie. events, presentations, contributions etc...)* mentor Mentor recent Mozilla Reps and monitor their progress* See other ReMo activities through the ReMo planet* Add his blog on ReMo planet
{{Admon/note | Note | Please add more usage scenarios!}}
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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