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1,032 bytes removed, 23:59, 24 February 2011
Undo revision 286808 by Ppapadeas (talk)
<table {| class="wikitable" style="float: right;"><tr><td | bgcolor="00FF00"> | Pre-Planning</td></tr>|-<tr><td | bgcolor="#CC3300"> <b>| '''Planning</b>'''</td></tr>|-<tr><td | bgcolor="cyan"> | Deploying</td></tr>|-<tr><td | bgcolor="cyan"> | Live</td></tr></table>|}  <p><br /></p><p><span class="fck_mw_template">{{Admon/important | Draft | This is a draft outline of an upcoming program. Edit furiously! }}</span>ReMo is the code name for the <b>'''Mozilla Representatives Program</b>''', a program that aims to empower and support volunteer Mozillians who want to be “official” Mozilla representatives in their region/locale.<img src="/images/thumb/9/9f/[[Image:Remo_skaff_2.png/|350px-Remo_skaff_2.png" _fck_mw_filename="Remo skaff 2.png" _fck_mw_location="|thumb|right" _fck_mw_width|We are building this! Join Us!]]="350" _fck_mw_type="thumb" altPurpose ="" class="fck_mw_frame fck_mw_right" /></p><h2> Purpose </h2><p>ReMo will provide a simple and structured framework to inform, assist and support Mozilla volunteers who want to become official representatives of Mozilla in their region. They will be known as Mozilla Reps (or MozReps).</p><p>A Mozilla Rep will have the following responsibilities:</p><ul><li> <b>* '''represent</b> ''' Mozilla in their region and have a clear understanding of Mozilla in her/his local tech/social/cultural context</li><li> <b>* '''promote</b> ''' the Mozilla Project and our mission</li><li> <b>* '''build</b> ''' on existing contributor-building efforts and programs</li><li> <b>* '''inspire</b>''', <b>'''recruit</b> ''' and <b>'''support</b> ''' new contributors</li><li> <b>* '''mentor</b> ''' future Mozilla Reps</li></ul><h2> == Anti-Purpose </h2>== <p>Here are some things ReMo specificly aims <b>'''NOT</b> ''' to do&nbsp;: </p><ul><li> * replace or undermine efforts by existing communities of Mozilla volunteers around the world to recruit new contributors</li><li> * become a top-down ambassador program run exclusively by Mozilla staff</li></ul><h2> == Characteristics of the ReMo program </h2>== <ul><li> * open to EVERYONE but rigorous membership process</li><li> * community-driven (once ReMo has reached mature stage)</li><li> * vertical distribution of responsibilities</li><li> * structured and well documented</li><li> * meritocratic</li><li> * regular monitoring/assessment of activity</li></ul><h2> == Who can be a Mozilla Rep? </h2>== <p>Anyone who is:</p><ul><li> <b>* '''passionate</b> ''' about Mozilla Project </li><li> <b>* '''knowledgeable</b> ''' of the Mozilla organization, its mission and its products</li><li> <b>* '''willing</b> ''' to communicate all those, to as many people as possible</li></ul><h2> == ReMo Website </h2>== <p>In order to accommodate the needs of this program, infrastructure and outreach website is needed. </p><p>More info on <a href="[[ReMo/Website">|Website planning page</a>]]</p><h3> === Use Cases and User Tasks </h3>=== <p>A list of most common use cases and user tasks for ReMo:</p><ul><li> * Apply to become a Mozilla Rep (once application sent, each applicant will go through a simple but rigorous screening process)</li><li> * Log in with your ReMo LDAP account and start updating your profile</li><li> * See / Browse through various Events happening near him</li><li> * Add events to ReMo calendar and become owner of these events</li><li> * Use ReMo ticketing system to request swag or sponsorship for events</li><li> * Peruse ReMo file repository for slide decks, presentation templates, printable materials (ie. posters, flyers, stickers)</li><li> * Represent Mozilla at events</li><li> * Customize and order swag for your community </li><li> * Customize and order your ReMo business card</li><li> * Regularly update your ReMo profile with recent activities (ie. events, presentations, contributions etc...)</li><li> * Mentor recent Mozilla Reps and monitor their progress</li><li> * See other ReMo activities through the ReMo planet</li><li> * Add his blog on ReMo planet</li></ul><p><span class="fck_mw_template">{{Admon/note | Note | Please add more usage scenarios!}}</span></p><h2> == Schedule </h2>== <p>The aim is to have 25 ReMo test-pilots (all veteran Mozilla contributors) signed up to test the platform by end of Q1 2011 and have ReMo officially roll out some time in Q2 2011</p><p>The detailed timeline and status of project components can be found at <a href="[[ReMo/Phase_1_Plan|Phase 1 Plan">Phase 1 Plan</a>]]</p><h3> === Summary Plan </h3>=== <p>A summary plan is available that contains details on the thinking behind ReMo as well as the structure of the program.</p><p>It can be found </p><ul><li> * Ver 1.0 <a href="[">here</a>]</li><li> * Ver 1.1 <a href="[">here</a>]</li></ul><h2> == Outreach </h2>== <p>Content and resources made to communicate initially ReMo to the rest of Mozilla and the public in general can be found on our <a href="[[ReMo/outreach">|Outreach</a> ]] page.</p><p><br /></p><h2> == Contact </h2>== <p>In order to communicate throughout the planning and deploying stage of ReMo, we have created several communication channels:</p><ul><li> <b>* '''IRC</b> ''' You can join us on these channels on<ul><li> ** #remo General Channel for ReMo (will be used as our main one)</li><li> ** #remo-dev Channel on planning and deploying ReMo</li></ul></li><li> <b>* '''Mailing List</b> ''' (stay tuned for that)</li></ul><p>Bi-weekly meetings on IRC will be held at three different times to encourage everyone to share ideas, thoughts and suggestions as ReMo planning moves forward:</p><ul><li> <b>* '''IRC bi-weekly meetings in #remo</b> ''' <ul><li> ** Europe, Middle East and Afria: Thursdays at 18:00 UTC (next one Thursday 3 March)</li><li> ** Asia and Pacific: Thursdays at 09:00 UTC (next one Thursday 3 March) </li><li> ** North America and Latin America: Thursdays at 23:00 UTC (next one Thursday 3 March)</li></ul></li></ul>== Resources ==<h2> Resources </h2><ul><li> * William Quiviger is project lead</li><li> * Pierros Papadeas is assistant project lead</li><li> * WebDev needs:<ul><li> ** TBD</li></ul></li><li> * Design needs:<ul><li> ** We'll need someone to help design ReMo logo and ReMo collateral (ie. tshirt, bags, business cards etc...)</li></ul></li><li> * Legal needs: <ul><li> ** TBD</li></ul></li></ul>
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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