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2,215 bytes removed, 18:11, 20 July 2006
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* view the [ calendar as a webpage].
The chart below describes the milestones, and maintains our original target dates and actual release dates for documentation purposes, and so that we can remember how long things actually took when planning future releases. '''Planned Milestones (with target and actual release dates)''' {| width="100%" cellpadding="1" border="1"|- style="background-color:#efefef;"| style="width: 100px" | '''Release''' | style="width: 100px" | '''Target''' | '''Description''' |- valign="top"| Alpha 1 || March 2006 <br/> ''actual: March 29, 2006''|| Developer Preview ("Dogfood")* includes new infrastructure pieces for stress testing and API feedback* intended for developers only, no guarantees about stability or dataloss|- valign="top"| Alpha 2 || May 2006 <br/> ''actual: May 12, 2006''|| Mostly Complete* all backend API/hooks are complete and being used by UI* UI design for features is complete* all new features are at least functional to the point of placeholder UI * intended for product testers and high-risk early adopters|- valign="top"| Alpha 3 || May 2006 <br/> ''actual: May 26, 2006'' || Feature Complete* this milestone was added at the [[Firefox2/StatusMeetings/2006-05-09HistoricalSchedule|March 9th status meetingHistorical Schedule for future release planning]]* extra alpha was required to achieve feature complete status|- valign="top"| Beta 1 || June 2006 <br/> ''actual: July 12, 2006'' || Feature Frozen* all feature work is complete, including UI* all strings are complete and available for l10n to start* intended for beta users, available in at least all tier 1 locales|- valign="top"| Beta 2 || August 2006 || Product Frozen* based on feedback from Beta 1* all feature work is complete, including UI* all strings are frozen, only necessary string changes accepted* intended for beta users, available in at least all tier 1 locales|- valign="top"| RC 1 || September 2006 || Release Candidate* based on bugfixes from Beta 2* should represent final product* intended for wide audience of early adopters, available in all locales|- valign="top"| RC 2 || September 2006 || Release Candidate (if needed)* based on bugfixes from RC 1* should represent final product* intended for wide audience of early adopters|- valign="top"| Final || September 2006 || Final Release* based on bugfixes from RC 2|-|}

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