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Legal/Infringement Notices

5,606 bytes removed, 18:41, 10 May 2011
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Here are DMCA, trademark infringement, and other related notices Mozilla has received since November, 2009. We update this list periodically.
(Note: I'm reorganizing this list and moving each notice to individual wiki pages for better organization, starting with the oldest. The current list (and the new one) are in reverse chronological order.When a date is missing from the notice, I'm using the name or company name of the notice instead)
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/16 February 2010|16 February 2010]] - UpYourArt / Studio 43
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Lugene Christner|Lugene Christner]]
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Digiview Productions|Digiview Productions]]
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/03 December 2009|03 December 2009]] - PGA Tour
== Old List ==
I believe in good faith that the use of "Eijiro" that I claim infringes our copyright is not<br>authorized by law, or by ALC PRESS INC. All of the information contained in my DMCA<br>Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am a person authorized to act on<br>behalf of an owner of, the the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.
Regards,<br>K.Saga<br>Director<br>ALC PRESS INC.<br>2-54-12, Eifukucho, Suginami-ku,<br>Tokyo, 168-8611 JAPAN<br>Tel: 03-3323-1275<br>Fax: 03-3323-0433<br>e-mail:<br><br>  ---- <br>  February 16, 2010  To:  From: Danielle Tetreault, Copyright Manager for Up Your Art  Re: Copyright Infringement  The following persona was created using the artwork of Studio 43, This image contains artwork which is licensed and copyright protected through our company, the artist has a signed contract and being a legal representative of said artists, it is in my power to request immediate removal of the persona created and being shared. The art in question can be seen on our website at under the artist’s name.  I state that I believe in good faith that the use of the material that I claim infringes our copyright is not authorized by law, or by the copyright owner or such owner's agent; and, (ii) that all of the information contained in your DMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am either the owner of, or a person authorized to act on behalf an owner of, the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.  Thank you for your immediate attention in this matter,  <br>  Danielle Tetreault  Copyright Manager  UpYourArt  5042 State Park Rd  Lockhart, TX 78644  512-227-1111  <br>  ---- <br>  Dear Mr. Anderson,<br>My name is Lugene Christner, and I recently found a work of mine submitted to you as a persona by kazzoom, and the persona is named Dragon Eye. The url for the stolen work is This apparently was submitted on 6/2/2009. The original work by me can be found at, with watermark and copyright and disclamer that this is not to be used without permission.  The person who submitted this never asked me for it. This work was made as a wall paper pack, and also contains the disclaimer as follows&nbsp;:My gallery and images contained in it are Copyright ©2007-2008 Pumakitten. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my deviantART gallery do not belong to the public domain. All downloads made available are for peronal use only and may not be posted, reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, in whole or part, on or to any other site for any reason without my express written permission. Copying or using my work for other than personal use is prohibitied.  My contact information is as follows:<br>Lugene Christner<br>[street address removed]<br>Monongah, WV. 26554<br>Phone: [phone number removed]<br>email:  I Lugene Christner do believe in good faith that the use of the materialdescribed above infringes your copyright is not authorized by law, or by the copyright owner (me) or such owner's agent; and, that all of the information contained in my DMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I, Lugene Christner am the owner of, the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.  I would most appreciate it if you could remove the persona from the gallery. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,<br>Lugene Christner<br><br>  ---- <br>  Mr. Anderson,  My name is Ab Kuenzli. I go by "Bud". I am a professional photographer residing in North Pole, Alaska. I am a retired high school teacher/principal/technology manager. Three new Firefox Personas use cropped portions of a famous image of mine.  One Persona is found at You can see this is a crop of a famous image of mine found at . That image has been licensed by me in the past and has monetary value. The Persona is a crop of a section of the upper right area that includes the Pleides constellation.  The second Persona is actually another crop of the same image. You will see is a crop of the above apod.nasa image which was then reversed (flipped horizontally). This Persona crops from the left middle area and extends to catch the meteor and beyond; it is cropped and flipped.  The THIRD Persona takes from the same image yet again! is a crop from the right middle of my original image.  <br> You can see further examples of my work at That web page includes the image in question, whose original file name is _V5U9211. This image is possibly my most famous image due to the wide recognition the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day has throughout the world. At you might note a comment by Katherine Lewis from Oct. 19, 2008 that lends further evidence of the existence of this image on my personal web site.  The NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day creates a DVD of honored images. They also publish a list of copyright holders. You will find my name listed at . My only copyright with APOD is for the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day in question as linked above.  In all good faith I believe the above three images as linked are cropped portions of _V5U9211 of which I am the original photographer and owner of the copyright and as such each of the three images in question infringe on my copyright. All of the information contained in this DMCA Notice is accurate. I so state under penalty of perjury.<br> <br> I do not know if I am supposed to contact or try to contact these offenders. I await your response on this matter. Thank you.  I am,  Ab (bud) Kuenzli<br>Digiview Productions<br>[street address removed]<br>North Pole, Alaska 99705<br>[telephone number removed]<br>  <br>  Included below is my electronic signature. A bit large. My apologies for that.<br> <br>-- <br>Bud Kuenzli  In cyberspace when you get where you're going you still don't know where you are - Bud Kuenzli   ----

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