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2,610 bytes added, 21:04, 17 May 2011
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| BenWa/jrmuizel
| Split imgIContainer into two interfaces| imgIContainer should be split into two separate interfaces, one for decoders and libpr0n itself to use, and one for external users who just want to draw or get information about the current image.| {{bug|503973}}| joe/bholley|-| Don't allocate memory for unused areas in animated GIF files when compositing| Huge GIF files can be mostly empty space, but we currently allocate the full size of these images when we're compositing the frames together and drawing them to screen. (Other browsers are smarter.) We should emulate other browsers, and only allocate the parts of the frame that need to change.| {{bug|289763}}| joe/bholley|-| Enable proper decode-on-draw on desktop| We have the ability to throw away an image when it hasn't been drawn for a while, but we currently don't to eliminate flicker on the currently-displayed tab. We can probably get better heuristics for this, but doing so will also probably involve making asynchronous decoding more responsive, either by tweaking the way we asynchronously decode or the amount of data we asynchronously decode. This will greatly reduce the amount of memory we use on image-heavy pages.| ''TBD''| joe/bholley|-| Do YCbCr/YUV->RGB conversion of JPEGs on the GPU| When we're using hardware-accelerated layers, we can reduce the amount of work we need to do on the CPU by decoding JPEGs to YUV only, uploading those channels to the GPU, and then converting the YUV to RGB in a shader.<br><br>'''Note''': This is likely not a good project to start before we have a fully colour-managed pipeline or Emerald is complete.| ''TBD''| joe/jrmuizel/mattwoodrow|-| Use ARB_robustness/ARB_robustness2 in our WebGL implementation where it's available| Currently, even if a graphics driver implements and exports the ARB_robustness extension to make it less likely for shaders to DoS a computer, we don't use it. We should.| {{bug|656824}}| bjacob|-| Implement anti-aliasing in WebGL| We don't currently honour the anti-aliasing hint in WebGL contexts, so our rendering looks inferior to Chrome's on the same demo on the same hardware. We should implement anti-aliasing.| {{bug|615976}}| bjacob|-| Use OpenGL for WebGL, instead of ANGLE, on "good enough" drivers| ANGLE lets us support drivers with poor OpenGL implementations by rendering to Direct3D 9, but using it incurs a performance penalty. We should define what drivers are good enough, which will necessarily include Direct3D/OpenGL texture interop, and measure how good performance is on these drivers with OpenGL vs using ANGLE.| ''TBD''| bjacob/joe

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