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46 bytes removed, 01:16, 18 May 2011
gilma gamez uned alumna
This is the general release checklist we should use for maintenance releases.
It is organized by major functional activity in roughly chronological order. At the end of each bullet is the owner of the checklist item from within the Release Team.
== Team ==
<font color="blue">Project lead:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; ALUMNO/AS DE PROGRAMA MODULAR DE LA UNED</font>
*<font color="red">Security/Dev lead: &nbsp;&nbsp; PARA LA EDUCACION Y LA INFORMACION</font>
*<font color="red">[Http://]</font>
*<font color="green">Build lead: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; trabajo de la alumna Gilma Gámez López</font>
*<font color="green"></font>
*<font color="orange">QA lead: </font>
== Checklist ==* Meet and schedule release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
* Decision on Meet and schedule release date - <strong>'''Entire team</strong>** Update [[Releases]] page - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Update Releases/PRODUCT&VERSION with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Email dev-planning and release-drivers with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>'''
* Triage of blocking/approval requests as needed Decision on release date - <strong>'''Entire team (minus build)</strong>''' ** Schedule meetings Update [[Releases]] page - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Alert developers of blockers Update Releases/PRODUCT&amp;VERSION with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Alert developers of upcoming freeze Email dev-planning and release-drivers with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Development code freeze Triage of blocking/approval requests as needed - '''Entire team (minus build)''' **Schedule meetings - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **Alert developers of blockers - <font color="redblue">Dev Project lead</font>** Hand off to QA for verifications Alert developers of upcoming freeze - <font color="orangeblue">QA LeadProject lead</font>
* Ready for builds** Email release-drivers when all Development code is in with formal "Go" - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** File a bug to make sure there is no crash report throttling freeze - <font color="bluered">Project Dev lead</font>*** For 1.9.0, include timestamp and bonsai URI down to the last checkin. Specify timezone in email as well (PST vs PDT).*** For 1.9.1, include a changeset*** Specify l10n cut Hand off (1.9.0-only) as well** File a bug to update versions in AMO QA for verifications - <font color="blueorange">Project leadQA Lead</font>
* Builds created (Ready for builds **Email release-drivers when all locales) code is in with formal "Go" - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **File a bug to make sure there is no crash report throttling - <font color="greenblue">Build Project lead</font>** Email release*For 1.9.0, include timestamp and bonsai URI down to the last checkin. Specify timezone in email as well (PST vs PDT). ***For 1.9.1, include a changeset ***Specify l10n cut off (1.9.0-drivers when builds are created only) as well **File a bug to update versions in AMO - <font color="greenblue">Build Project lead</font>
* QA tests builds - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>** QA completes testing and maps it onto their test plan page Builds created (usually at Releases/PRODUCTNAME_VERSION/Test_Plan on the wikiall locales) - <font color="orangegreen">QA LeadBuild lead</font>** When signed off, email Email release-drivers with notification when builds are created - <font color="orangegreen">QA LeadBuild lead</font>
* Build snippets QA tests builds - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font> **QA completes testing and maps it onto their test plan page (usually at Releases/PRODUCTNAME_VERSION/Test_Plan on betatest channel the wiki) - <font color="greenorange">Build leadQA Lead</font>** Email QA lead when finished When signed off, email release-drivers with notification - <font color="greenorange">Build leadQA Lead</font>
* Project Build snippets on betatest channel - <font color="green">Build lead</font> **Email QA lead creates [[Webtools:Release_Notes|beta release notes]]; staging and live when finished - <font color="bluegreen">Project LeadBuild lead</font>
* QA verifies snippets and website Project lead creates [[Webtools:Release Notes|beta release notes]]; staging and emails release-drivers when signed off live - <font color="orangeblue">QA Project Lead</font>
* If any of those fail, email QA verifies snippets and website and emails release-drivers with a formal "stop" notification and a second "go" notification when the process is started again signed off - <font color="blueorange">Project QA Lead</font>
* "Go" to beta** Formal "Go" If any of those fail, email sent to release-drivers - <font color=with a formal "bluestop">Project lead</font>** Build snippets pushed to beta channel - <font color=notification and a second "greengo">Build lead</font>** QA verifies snippets on beta channel notification when the process is started again - <font color="orangeblue">QA Project Lead</font>
* Beta period** Announce to release-drivers, m.d.a.<application> (i.e. thunderbird or firefox), m.announce.prerelease, m.d.planning - <font color="blueGo">Project lead</font>** Notify mirrors of to beta release - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> emails infra** Notify PR (melissa) of Formal "we're shipping in a weekGo" estimate email sent to release- <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Announce to [ AV/Firewall vendors] drivers - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Announce Build snippets pushed to security group beta channel - <font color="redgreen">Security Build lead</font>*** to security-group and security-announce aliases** Monitor feedback QA verifies snippets on beta channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>, <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Make sure the release looks correct in the crash-stats admin - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Vulnerability notices Beta period **Announce to release-drivers, m.d.a.&lt;application&gt; (i.e. thunderbird or firefox), m.announce.prerelease, m.d.planning - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **Notify mirrors of beta release - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> emails infra **Notify PR (melissa) of "we're shipping in a week" estimate - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **Announce to [ AV/Firewall vendors] - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **Announce to security group - <font color="red">Security lead</font>** Draft *to Security Groupsecurity-group and security-announce aliases **Monitor feedback - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>, <font color="blue">Project lead</Security-anncouncefont> ** Notify CERT (as needed)Make sure the release looks correct in the crash-stats admin - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* [[Webtools:Release_Notes|Draft release notes]] Vulnerability notices - <font color="bluered">Project Security lead</font>** Confirm release notes with dev lead, QA lead, others as appropriate** Stage release notes, other website changes** Vet past marketing (jslater@m.c)** Alert Mozilla Europe/JapanDraft to Security Group/China as soon as release notes (and product-details bug) are ready Security- <font color="blue">Project lead</font>anncounce *** Be sure to give them the estimated release date and time.** Alert webdev Notify CERT (wenzel/clouserw/morgamicas needed) of when release is planned for (for product-details pushing) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Decision to release - <strong>Entire team</strong>** If yes, let IT (infra) know 24-48 hours ahead of time based on [[BuildWebtools:ReleasePolicyRelease Notes|Draft release policynotes]] - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** File a Confirm release notes with dev lead, QA lead, others as appropriate **Stage release notes, other website changes **Vet past marketing (jslater@m.c) **Alert Mozilla Europe/Japan/China as soon as release notes (and product-details bug to make sure we throttle crash reports ) are ready - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Notify PR *Be sure to give them the estimated release date and time. **Alert webdev (melissa@m.cwenzel/clouserw/morgamic) of "we're shipping in x days/hours/minutes" estimate when release is planned for (for product-details pushing) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Final ReleaseDecision to release - '''Entire team''' ** Bits to mirrors If yes, let IT (infra) know 24- <font color="blue">Project lead</font> sends "go email" at least 8 48 hours ahead of time*** Push actual bits based on [[Build:ReleasePolicy|release policy]] - <font color="greenblue">Build Project lead</font>** Verify bits on releasetest channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>** Push website changes File a bug to make sure we throttle crash reports - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Push security advisories - <font color=Notify PR (melissa@m.c) of "red">Security lead<we're shipping in x days/hours/font>** QA verifies website changes - <font color="orangeminutes">QA Lead</font>** Build pushes to release channel estimate - <font color="greenblue">Build Project lead</font>** QA verifies release channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
*Final Release **Bits to mirrors - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> sends "go email" at least 8 hours ahead of time ***Push actual bits - <font color="green">Build lead</font> **Verify bits on releasetest channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font> **Push website changes - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> **Push security advisories - <font color="red">Security lead</font> **QA verifies website changes - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font> **Build pushes to release channel - <font color="green">Build lead</font> **QA verifies release channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font> * Notify the world - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** all -at- (so all staff knows)** newsgroup** m.announce newsgroup (all product release announcements are expected here)** MDC Devnews ** Post the [ Press Release]
When you have completed these steps, rinse, repeat. Every month...

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