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343 bytes added, 22:24, 23 May 2011
Overview of OAuth
* authenticating API calls: the consumer uses credentials to authenticate its API calls against the data host.
Though they both follow the above === Central OAuth Pattern === The most common OAuth pattern, in both OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 are quite different, works as follows: * the consumer registers with the data host and obtains a <tt>consumer_key</tt>, which is considered public, and a <tt>consumer_secret</tt>, which should be kept private* Establishing Credentials:  * a user interacting with a data consumer decides to connect it to her data host.  * the consumer  * Making API Calls:  * foo
=== Differences between OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 ===
Though they both follow the above pattern, OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 are incompatible at the protocol level. The important design differences arequite different:
* In OAuth 1.0, API call authentication requires both the user-specific secret and the data-consumer secret. In OAuth 2.0, only the user-specific secret is needed to authenticate API calls.

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