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1,656 bytes added, 18:08, 16 August 2006
Firefox 3
= Firefox 3 =
'''beltzner's thoughts on ui polish for fx3'''<br/>
Firefox 3 should solve real user problems. My first pass at some of the problems users are having right now:
* not able to operationalize metadata available on the web
* the browser doesn't learn from their behaviour, doesn't react to their browsing choices
* often barraged with alerts, popups, warnings, etc.
* not understanding when they are at risk online
* hard to handle files and rich online content
* can be hard to interact with web based apps (back/forward)
* hard to manage several concurrent task streams
* add-ons, plugins, services are hard to install and manage
These correlate pretty well with a few of the [[Firefox3/Themes|themes]] that we're looking to collect data on. Based on the problems that are listed above, I'd think the ones we want to get some solid data on are:
* Microformat Detection
* Give users control over data gathered while browsing
* Make a user's Web experiences safer and more secure
* Enhance support for 3rd Party Service Providers
* Make it easier for users to customize and control their experiences on the Web
In terms of Gecko 1.9 requirements, this boils down to:
* microformat detection
* full text indexing, easy ability to harvest data from pages and annotate history with it
* add-on capability additions (locale packs, plugins, searchplugins, services as add-ons)
* cairofication of XUL to get us nicer notification capabilities
* allow web services to act as content handlers
Next I'm going to go through the polish lists and come up with some long-known usability deficiencies that we probably want to target:
* download manager
* XPI install
= Any other business =
Confirm, emeritus

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