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590 bytes added, 19:01, 16 August 2006
Firefox 3
* the browser doesn't learn from their behaviour, doesn't react to their browsing choices
* often barraged with alerts, popups, warnings, etc.
** beltzner: need to make more of these alerts non-modal
** bsmedberg: must be careful, in some cases the alerts block scripts which is what we want them to do
* not understanding when they are at risk online
* managing downloaded files and saving rich online media content is painful; things like saving flash movies and getting back to them later should be easier
* can be hard to interact with web based apps (back/forward)
* hard to manage several concurrent task streams
** bz: like dropping a tab from one window to another?
** beltzner: having that would be a huge win
** vlad: but that's not the only feature; selecting groups of tabs, f.e.
* add-ons, plugins, services are hard to install and manage
* dbaron: improve on some of our existing ways of handling things like tabbed only browsing and similar things
These correlate pretty well with a few of the [[Firefox3/Themes|themes]] that we're looking to collect data on. Based on the problems that are listed above, I'd think the ones we want to get some solid data on are:
* cairofication of XUL to get us nicer notification capabilities
* allow web services to act as content handlers
* bz: ability detach and reattach views between windows to support drag and drop of tabs between
Next I'm going to go through the polish lists and come up with some long-known usability deficiencies that we probably want to target:
* download manager
* XPI install
* dbaron: tab-by-default handling of new windows
= Any other business =
Confirm, emeritus

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