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Remote Debugging Protocol

30 bytes removed, 07:14, 6 July 2011
Thread Pauses: Fix "Grip Lifetimes" link.
<i>Actor</i> is a "pause actor", representing this specific pause of the thread; it lives until the thread next leaves the <b>Paused</b> state. The pause actor parents actors actors referring to values and other entities uncovered during this pause; when the thread resumes, those actors are automatically closed. This relieves the client from the responsibility to explicitly close every actor mentioned during the pause.
Since actors in value grips are parented by the pause actor, this means that those grips become invalid when the thread resumes, or is detached from; it is not possible to take a grip from one pause and use it in the next. To create a grip that remains valid between pauses, see [[#Holding_Values_Between_PausesGrip_Lifetimes|Holding Values Between PausesGrip Lifetimes]].
The <i>currentFrame</i> value describes the top frame on the JavaScript stack; see [[#Listing_Stack_Frames|Listing Stack Frames]], below.

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