→Personal Toolbar Folder / Bookmarks Toolbar
I like to keep a large number of items in the Personal Toolbar Folder, but I remove the "Name" from the properties, leaving only the favicon. However, when I hover over the favicon, only the URL is shown in the tooltips text. I'd like to be able to have the name of the site in the tooltip text, but not next to the item in the toolbar. Perhaps this could be achieved by having a "Show?" checkbox next to the Name in the Properties window?
=== Display of Folders on the Personal Toolbar ===
Kind of the opposite approach of the above, but can be worked in together with options.
Space on the Personal Toolbar is too valuable to waste on individual bookmarks,
so would like the ability to show folder names without folder icon, and they
must be distinguishable from adjacent folder names even if the name contains spaces, and must be distinguishable from individual bookmarks. I give all
folders that show on the Personal Toolbar short names. So if they could appear in a small variable width box that would be ideal. For example everything in my "K" folder actually also has a keyword shortcut. Some like blogs have additional
subfolders, several of which are groups of bookmarklets. My bookmarks Toolbar looks something like: (the first two have leading spaces to maintain sort order)
<br> [ HOME] [ View] [Blogs] [Design] [Effects] [G] [I] [ID] [K] [R] [T] [zA] ...
There are actually individual bookmarks on far right, all of which are on the extended toolbar, perhaps with more space the favicon only might get some of them on the primary portion of the toolbar.
== Bookmark Display ==