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FIPS Operational Environment

987 bytes added, 20:16, 7 September 2006
Single Operator Mode of Operation
# Log in as the "root" user.
# Edit the system files <code>/etc/passwd</code> and <code>/etc/shadow</code> and remove all the users except "root" and the pseudo-users. Make sure the password fields in <code>/etc/shadow</code> for the pseudo-users are either a star (*) or double exclamation mark (!!). This prevents login as the pseudo-users.
# Edit the system file <code>/etc/nsswitch.conf</code> and make <code>files</code> the only option for <code>passwd</code>, <code>shadow</code>, and <code>group</code>. This disables NIS and other name services for users and groups.
# In the <code>/etc/xinetd.d</code> directory, edit the files <code>eklogin</code>, <code>gssftp</code>, <code>klogin</code>, <code>krb5-telnet</code>, <code>kshell</code>, <code>rexec</code>, <code>rlogin</code>, <code>rsh</code>, <code>rsync</code>, <code>telnet</code>, and <code>tftp</code>, and set the value of <code>disable</code> to <code>yes</code>.
# Reboot the system for the changes to take effect.
==Software Integrity Test==

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