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FIPS Operational Environment

160 bytes added, 21:07, 15 September 2006
Auditable Events
** <code>FC_InitPIN(hSession, pPin, ulPinLen)</code>
*** If <code>hSession</code> is invalid, the return code <code>0x000000B3 (CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID)</code> is logged.
*** If the password that <code>pPin</code> points to is not a valid has an invalid UTF-8 stringcharacter, the return code <code>0x000000A1 (CKR_PIN_INVALID)</code> is logged.*** If <code>ulPinLen</code> is too short or too long, or the password that <code>pPin</code> points to is too short, too long, or too weak (doesn't have enough character types), the return code <code>0x000000A2 (CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE)</code> is logged.
* the addition or deletion of an operator to/from a crypto officer role
** N/A. Any Since any authorized operator can assume the crypto officer role, this requirement is the addition or deletion of an operator. CAPP requires that the OS audits the creation or deletion of users.
* operations to process audit data stored in the audit trail
** These operations are recorded by the audit mechanism of the OS.
Canmove, confirm

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