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QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta 5

1,613 bytes added, 19:39, 7 September 2011
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* IRC: irc:// AaronMT
* Builds: [ Firefox 7.0b5] | [ changeset] | [ pushlog]
=== Smoketests ===
[[QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/smoketests-results|Detailed Smoketest results]]
Lite verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on litmus under the [ Fennec 7.0 Test Suite]. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.
=== BFTs for 7.0 Features ===
{{:QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/BFT-results|BFT results}}
[[QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/BFT-results|Detailed BFT results]]
BFTs are a more comprehensive set of litmus tests that cover functional testing of features that have landed on Fennec 7. Tests are available on litmus under the [ Fennec 7 Test Suite].
=== Virtual Machines ===
{{:QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/VM-results|VM results}}
[[QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/VM-results|Detailed VM results]]
Verify tests against the Motorola Droid 3 and Samsung Nexus S - Smoketests and BFTs
=== L10N Spot Checks ===
{{:QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/L10N matrix}}
[[QA/Fennec/Milestones/7.0/Beta/Beta_5/L10N matrix|Detailed L10N matrix]]
Light testing on featured locales to ensure strings fit the space allotted and there are no entity errors from missing or corrupt localizations.
=== Bug Verifications ===
{{bug|681621}} - '''Panning breaks when element is made visible ('''
{{bug|684599}} - '''Crash nsDeviceMotion::DeviceMotionChanged'''
Canmove, confirm

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