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FIPS Operational Environment

1 byte removed, 23:10, 29 September 2006
Below we list the functions that we audit and specify the format of the audit messages. For brevity we omit the optional attribute values and returned object handles in the audit message specification.
* Object management functions, where when the object is a cryptographic key (object class <code>CKO_PUBLIC_KEY</code>, <code>CKO_PRIVATE_KEY</code>, and <code>CKO_SECRET_KEY</code>)
** <code>[ FC_CreateObject]</code>: addition of cryptographic keys
*** "C_CreateObject(hSession=''<session handle>'', pTemplate=''<template pointer>'', ulCount=''<count>'', phObject=''<object handle pointer>'')=''<return code>''"
Canmove, confirm

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