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708 bytes added, 17:07, 12 October 2006
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Contact: Mark Smith <[]>
Discussion: [news://]
===Latest News - 10/12/2006===
Version 6.0.0 has been released! This is the first release that contains the code contributed from Sun, including support for SASL/Kerberos BIND and use of the LDAP standard BER types. This version also contains support for IPv6 when using NSPR for I/O. The CVS tag for the code is LDAPCSDK_6_0_0_RTM. You can find the source here:
===Latest News - 5/16/2006===
# Get the CVS client and set your computer up mozilla work. Read through the instructions on using CVS. Make sure you have set your CVSROOT environment variable and that you have successfully executed the cvs login command.
# Pull the current LDAP C SDK code (which is located on the CVS trunk) using this command: cvs co -P [-r currentrelease] DirectorySDKSourceC The most current release is LDAPCSDK_5_1_7_RTMLDAPCSDK_6_0_0_RTM, so to pull this version (recommended), use this command: cvs co -P -r LDAPCSDK_5_1_7_RTM LDAPCSDK_6_0_0_RTM DirectorySDKSourceC
# Pull the code for libraries that LDAP C SDK depends on. Pull NSPR, NSS, and DBM (used by NSS) using these commands:
cvs co -r NSPR_4_6_1_RTM NSPR_4_6_3_RTM mozilla/nsprpub cvs co -r NSS_3_11_RTM NSS_3_11_3_RTM mozilla/security/coreconf mozilla/security/nss cvs co -r DBM_1_61_RTM mozilla/security/dbm mozilla/security/dbm
There is an optional package called SVRCORE which provides secure PIN management for the command line and Windows clients. This is recommended for using the command line tools with SSL, for a more secure environment.
cvs co -r SVRCORE_4_0_1_RTM SVRCORE_4_0_2_RTM mozilla/security/svrcore [mozilla/security/coreconf]
Add mozilla/security/coreconf if you didn't checkout NSS. Alternatively, you can download stable binary releases of NSPR and NSS and drop them into your source tree under mozilla/dist. See for NSPR releases and for NSS releases.
===Obtaining Build Tools and Setting Up Your Environment===
# Build the LDAP C SDK libraries and command line tools:
cd mozilla/directory/c-sdk
./configure --with-nss --enable-clu [--enable-64bit] make BUILDCLU=1 [USE_64=1]
# Build the LDAP C SDK libraries and command line tools with SVRCORE:
cd mozilla/directory/c-sdk
./configure --with-svrcore --enable-clu [--enable-64bit] make BUILDCLU=1 HAVE_SVRCORE=1 [USE_64=1]# Build with SASL support: cd mozilla/directory/c-sdk ./configure ...other options above... --with-sasl
Note that since svrcore requires NSS, --with-svrcore implies --with-nss
Note that you can build without SSL support by skipping the NSS related build steps and omitting the --with-nss on the configure command. You will still need a binary copy of NSPR or you will need to build NSPR from source.
===Building without using autoconf (deprecated - older method - use autoconf method)===
This method is deprecated, but the instructions are here for historical reasons.

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