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1,224 bytes added, 22:49, 7 November 2011
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Dietrich Ayala, Kyle Huey, Brian Bondy and Josh Matthews
=Contribution PathsIdentify Community=
What are Q: Can you identify all of the steps someone can take to get involved in contributors on your project team (both paid-staff and learn enough to be able to start scratching their own itchvolunteer-staff)?
1. SubmitA:
2Suggestion: Use the [ contributor directory] to help. Communicate through your team's channels and encourage people to sign up and group themselves with a common team tag. Verification
3. Triage=Define Contribution Opportunities=
4. AssignmentQ: Can you point someone interested in contributing to your project to a list of available contribution opportunities?
5. Patch CodingA:
6Suggestion: Look at what your team's needs are and what gaps you have in staffing to come up with a list of contribution opportunities. Capture those on a wiki page, in bugs, as role descriptions in Jobvite or whatever makes sense for your community. Code Review
7. Security=Map Contribution Paths=
8. Patch ReleaseQ: Are there clearly understood steps someone can follow to go from knowing nothing about your project to successfully contributing?
9. Ticket ClosedA:
=Goals=* 1. Submit
What goals does your team have for bringing in new contributors to your project area?* 2. Verification
Proposed goal: Create and maintain a curated list of 50 mentored bugs that can be handed out to promising new contributors* 3.Triage
Sub-proposal: Ensure some sort of distribution across lots of components?* 4. Assignment
=Metrics=* 5. Patch Coding
* 6. Code Review * 7. Security * 8. Patch Release * 9. Ticket Closed Suggestion: In addition to just documenting these steps, look for a simple 5-minute task that someone can take to get started (for example, signing up for Bugzilla if they are interested in coding) and also figure out where in the process you can add a mentor to help people. =Establish Goals and Metrics= Q: What data is available goals does your team have for bringing in new contributors and how can you measure if you are successful? A: * Proposed goal: Create and maintain a curated list of 50 mentored bugs that can be handed out to promising new contributors. * Sub-proposal: Ensure some sort of distribution across lots of components? Suggestion: Write down what you think would be helpful to measure track even if it isn't possible to get that data today. We'll work on implementing dashboards when we're meeting your goals?know what data we want.
Canmove, confirm

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