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Software Update:MAR

397 bytes added, 02:18, 19 November 2011
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The flags field is used to store file permission bits (in the standard unix-style format).
== Signatures Signed hashes ==One Zero or more signatures signed hashes can be specified. The format of the hash must include all bytes of the MAR file. The signed hash should be of the format:Sign(Hash([First 4 HEADER bytes][INDEX][INDEX_ENTRY][HEADER's offset to INDEX][Hash IDs if any]))
== Defined Signature IDs ==
ID 1: An SHA1 hash signed with RSA 2048, the first certificate shipped with FF must be used.
The updater program will not use a MAR file if one of the hashes do not verify.
If the updater program encounters a Hash ID that it does not know about, it will not verify its hash.
== Source Code ==

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