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Software Update:MAR

213 bytes removed, 21:31, 22 November 2011
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1: RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 (2048 bits / 256 bytes)
The updater program will not use a only accept the MAR file if at least one of the known signatures does not verify. If the updater program encounters a SignatureAlgorithmID that it does not know about, it will not check the signature, and will proceed to the next signature. This is why there exists a SignatureSize field, so that unknown signatures can be skippedverifies
Some versions of the updater may not apply a MAR file unless a specific SignatureAlgorithmID is inside of them.
After As of Firefox 10 updater.exe on Windows will require a Signature ID of 1, only RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 signatures are accepted.
There is no indicator in the MAR file for which operating system the MAR is for, but some implementations of MAR readers on some platforms will require them.
All fields are in big-endian format.
The signatures are in NSS / OpenSSL / big-endian order and not CryptoAPI order.
If CrytpoAPI is used to check a signature, the bytes of the signature should must be reversedbefore verifying the signature using CryptVerifySignature.
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