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Software Update:MAR

138 bytes added, 23:47, 22 November 2011
no edit summary
4 bytes : SignatureAlgorithmID - ID representing the type of signature algorithm.
4 bytes : SignatureSize - Size in bytes of the signature that follows
N bytes : Signature - The signature of type SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID and size N = SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureSize bytes
1 byte : null terminator
Some old MAR files will not contain the SIGNATURE block nor the HEADER.FileSize field. Old parsers simply skip over these fields because they ignore everything between the MAR header and the offset given in the HEADER.OffsetToIndex field.
== Signatures SIGNATURE blocks ==
Zero or more signatures SIGNATURE_ENTRYs can be specified. The signatures must be composed of all bytes of the MAR file excluding the SIGNATURE_ENTRY.Signature fields.The contained SIGNATURE_ENTRY.signature contained must be of type SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID.
== SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID ==
1: RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 (2048 bits / 256 bytes)
The updater will only accept the MAR file if at least one of the signatures verifies.
Some versions of the updater may not apply a MAR file unless a valid signature of a particular SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID is included in the MAR file.
As of Firefox 10, only RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 signatures are accepted.

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