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548 bytes added, 20:23, 28 November 2011
Site Evangelism
* If site needs to change, work out approximately how - the more detail, the better
* As appropriate, make contact with site owners to present suggested fix (email webmasters, use social networks and contacts)
* Develop some standard metrics for reporting progress
** number/pct. of sites where testing is completed
** number/pct. of sites were serious parity problem exist
** number/pct. of sites where incidental parity problems exist.
** backlog of engineering bugs not fixed
** number of sites where we haven't established contact
** number of sites where we have established contact
Roles Required:
* Today, frameworks are used much more than they used to be, so a high priority will be making sure JS frameworks and server-side libraries are all doing the right thing.
* We need an army of people doing this. One way to find them might be to ramp up community giving for mobile devices still further.
* The focus is on parity problems, where the stock browser does better than us. It is a non-goal to improve sites which suck equally on all mobile browsers.(not sure I agree with this. it should also be a goal to promote and track progress on getting the general web moved forward on usability on mobile devices -- chofmann)
Confirm, emeritus

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