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167 bytes added, 20:31, 28 November 2011
Site Evangelism
* Today, frameworks are used much more than they used to be, so a high priority will be making sure JS frameworks and server-side libraries are all doing the right thing.
* We need an army of people doing this. One way to find them might be to ramp up community giving for mobile devices still further.
* The focus is on parity problems, where the stock browser does better than us. It is a non-goal to improve sites which suck equally on all mobile browsers. (not sure I agree with this. it should also be a goal to promote and track progress on getting the general web moved forward on usability on for mobile devices, and in the investigation of each broken site we will stumble along some interesting data about mobile awareness of sites. maybe we should be can refine tracking metrics to show progress on both . I added this to the metric section above. -- chofmann)
Confirm, emeritus

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