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593 bytes added, 15:19, 20 December 2011
Establish Goals and Metrics
* Sub-proposal: Ensure some sort of distribution across lots of components?
* It would be nice to have tighter integration of and Bugzilla. It would be nice to automatically create groups based on the sections Code contributors submit patches to. For example if I submit a lot of Toolkit/Application bugs then I would be automatically added to that group.
JDM wants to collect a list of new code contributors, adding to it every time we spot a newcomer in bugzilla. We could then write a script that would check how long it's been since they were last active in bugzilla, and be able to follow up if they disappear.
Perhaps the list of new code contributors can be found by looking at users who have recently been assigned to a task and have no resolved tasks.Then we can track these users to see which ones have not made progress in a month and which ones have. We can ping those users manually in Bugzilla.
Suggestion: Write down what you think would be helpful to track even if it isn't possible to get that data today. We'll work on implementing dashboards when we know what data we want.

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