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572 bytes added, 00:22, 25 January 2012
=== Emulators ===
* to create emulator with : Use the command line <tt>$SDK/tools/android</tt>, menubaror use the graphical Android AVD Manager (from within Eclipse: <tt>Window >ToolsAVD Manager</tt>Manage AVDs).  $ android create avd -t android-10 -n NAME -c 2047M Auto-selecting single ABI armeabi Android 2.3.3 is a basic Android platform.* Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no] Created AVD 'NAME' based on Android 2.3.3, ARM (armeabi) processor, with the following hardware config: hw.lcd.density=240 vm.heapSize=24 hw.ramSize=256 {{note|Target (in the example above, 'android-10') probably) needs to match build specified in .mozconfig (see Building Fennec Native below).}} 
* to launch:
$SDK/tools/emulator -wipe-data -avd <AVD> -partition-size 2047
( $ $SDK/tools/emulator -wipe-data -avd NAME -partition-size 2047 {{note|The partition size is set large so that you don't run into an insufficient storage error).}} * to delete:  $ android delete avd -n NAME
After installation, fennec would crash on installation (unable to locate mozutils library, although it's in the apk). Possibly related to emulator failing to run NDK applications?

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