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Firefox:3.0 Tabbed Browsing

397 bytes added, 04:11, 24 October 2006
Undo for Tabs
* guspaz - Firefox crashes on occasion. It would be nice if it kept track of what tabs were open when it was closed. Then, when the user relaunched the browser, they could select an option somewhere (Edit menu? View menu?) to re-open previous tabs. Alternatively you could keep a bookmark folder up to date with all the current tabs. If a user re-launched the browser and wanted those tabs back, they could just open the bookmark folder and select "Open In Tabs".
** porl: This seems to fit in with the "Save Session" topic below. Maybe when firefox detects that it hasn't exited cleanly there is a dialog on next open asking to restore the session (obviously should be able to be disabled in options)
*** yert: Probably a pipe dream, but why not isolate the tabs a little further? Whenever a individual tab comes crashing down, why not prevent it from putting Firefox up in flames too? If a single tab crashes, it should close, but nothing else. Its a different approach, and probably a problem to code, but it would be nice to see this for when a web site had its script typed by drunken monkeys.
=== Session Saving ===

Navigation menu