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910 bytes added, 22:26, 25 January 2012
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===='''Existing Channels===='''
Audit existing channels where potential contributors find information (or should be able to find information) about how to get involved and then optimize to make sure the channels are effective.
Notes: get traffic stats for each to prioritize?
===='''Legacy Channels===='''
For an area of the project that has been active for so long, such as coding, there will be many old pages with out of date information on them. For instance, a search of 'mozilla coding' brings up [ this page on the site] as the third result and a [ guide for using CVS] as the fourth.
* Retire and redirect any legacy pages in top results for a Google search of '[ mozilla coding]'
===='''Non-Mozilla Channels===='''
We can also look for volunteers beyond our Mozilla channels. Ideas for that include:
===='''Offline Channels===='''
How can we use events as offline channels to help people get involved?
===Potential Contributors===
===='''Match Volunteers with Opportunities===='''
* Create and maintain a curated list of 50 mentored bugs that can be handed out to promising new contributors as they arrive through the various channels.
===Active Contributors===
'''First Patch'''
The creation of someone's first patch is a key moment in the coding contributor lifecycle and there are a number of things we can do to make this a better experience for people and to amplify the signal of first-time patches.
* Have an tool that takes the [ email headers from Bugzilla about first patches] and use a Pulse feed to announce that in relevant IRC channels
* Have an [ email sent out to people who have just had their first patch approved] encouraging them and giving them key information such as the way to get added to credits, how to make sure the patch is landed, how to find other bugs, etc.
Take the current ad hoc process of recognizing active contributors with swag, invitations to events, etc and create a scalable process for identifying and recognize key active contributors. For example, Josh maintains a manual list of people he is encouraging but that isn't very scalable.
Have a plan for getting newly active contributors into the phonebook and use relevant tags (ex, firefox, javascript, mobile, etc). This will allow us to reach out to experienced contributors with specific opportunities as they come up (for instance, you could email everyone with a 'javascript' tag if you were looking for help with a complicated javascript engine bug that wouldn't be a good fit for new contributors). We may want to document a set of tags we'd like people to use.
Create a process for using the [ contributor map] and [ contribution trends] Mercurial patch dashboards. For instance, have a plan to reach out to any previously active contributor that hasn't been involved in the last two months to learn why they left or help them get involved again.
Amplify the signal of first-time patches - email headers, pulse feed, IRC bots, and more!
Recognize significant contributions with swag, trips/meetings, etc.
===Core Contributors===
Canmove, confirm

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