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1,157 bytes added, 21:30, 27 January 2012
no edit summary
* Work with other functional areas where there is overlap, for instance people interested in web development can also hack on Firefox.
Provide documentation and other materials, such as videos, that help people learn how to successfully use contribute to Mozilla. Brian has listed a number of coding tutorial videos he wants to create:
Getting started:
* Overview of the development process
* Creating a bugzilla account
* Getting on IRC, #developers, #introduction
* Confirming an unconfirmed bug
* Verifying fixed bug
* Posting a new bug
* Getting editbugs access
* Installing MozillaBuild & VisualStudio from blank VM OS install on Windows
* Checking out the code, building it and .mozconfig setup
* Finding a first bug to work on, mentored bugs, good first bugs,
* Fixing a bug
* Debugging
* Creating a first patch file with your information in it, mercurial patch queue basics
* Getting a code review, finding out who should review it? What to do when you have no progress getting a review.
* Landing your fixed bug that was r+ed.
* Using pymake for faster builds
* Mercurial patch queue advanced
* Using xperf to profile Mozilla code
Automated tests:
* Overview of the types of automated tests
* creating a reftest
* creating an xpcshell test
* creating a mochitest
===Active Contributors===
Canmove, confirm

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