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231 bytes removed, 09:10, 24 February 2012
== ==
jmuizelaar set up [ AWSY], inspired by [ AWFY]was a very successful site used to track the performance of Firefox's JavaScript engine.
Why was AWFY so successful? Some key characteristics.
* The benchmarks were easy to choose: everybody already used SS and V8, and then Mozilla released Kraken. They run quickly, too, which is nice for devs, and allows expensive tools (like Cachegrind) to be used.
* The metrics were easy to choose. SS time, V8 time, Kraken time. They can be measured easily, precisely, and fairly repeatably. You can break the total time down into per-benchmark times, which really helps with understanding improvements and regressions. They're easy for devs to run on their own machine.
* Understanding where the time went was fairly easy, because there are good time-oriented profilers: Shark, Cachegrind, etc.
* There was a well-defined goal: match or beat the other browsers.
In comparison, for AWSY there is no good and/or standard benchmark suite; metrics are less clear and/or harder to measure; the memory profiling tools aren't as good; but and most importantly, there's no well-defined goal w.r.t. any benchmarks.
A more trackable goal is Nonetheless, we've created a memory benchmark and are tracking Firefox's performance on it over time, to get the number provide a sense of MemShrink P1 bugs down to zero. That will mean that all the bad leaks will have been fixed, progress and also the important auxiliary work (e.g. infrastructure to detect regressions) will be in place. Therefore, It is available at [ just points to the list of open MemShrink P1 bugs./ AWSY], inspired by

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